
Here is some information to help you prepare for going abroad:


学生 should get their passport and learn about visa requirements as soon as they can, 因为这个过程需要几个月的时间. 有关更多信息,请参阅我们的 护照及签证页.  


有关出国旅行和安全的信息,请参阅 学生旅客核对表.


"Campus life" is generally a North American concept, with the exception of some British universities. 建筑物通常位于城市的中心, 并可能分散在相当大的区域, 被住所分开的, 餐厅, 和商店.

你可以住在城市的一部分, 去其他地方上课, 到别的地方工作, 在学生餐厅吃饭. 一般, expect less planned or "pre-packaged" student life as well as fewer student clubs and organizations, 社会事务, 和有组织的体育运动都比美国多.

您也可以完成 你的东道国问卷 as a way to think more deeply about the country you’ll be visiting.


留学项目通常提供 几种住房选择. You might live in a dorm with students from the host country, 寄宿家庭, 或者和其他在那里学习的学生合租.

如果你参加了一个ur赞助的项目, 你将被收取标准十大赌博正规老平台住房费用. This covers the basic housing level that the program offers, generally with one or two roommates. 一些项目提供可选的优质住房, but students who choose such optional housing are responsible for any additional costs.

注意: 住房 standards in other countries may be different than what you're used to. Rooms may be smaller, buildings may be older, windows might be more drafty, or plumbing more fragile. Be flexible with your expectations and aware that housing arrangements may change prior to your arrival.

Few study abroad programs offer meal plans like the ones available on campus at Rochester. Your university or program may have a dining hall or a variety of on-campus eateries. 你也可以选择一些当地的餐馆. 这是品尝当地美食的好方法, 但这也可能是一种昂贵的养活自己的方式.

In many cases, your best bet will be to prepare your own meals. This is usually the most affordable option, and a good way to stay within your budget. Program staff can give you advice about the best places to buy groceries, 你的住房通常包括厨房设施.

It is important to pay attention to the sanitary conditions w在这里ver you eat. 例如, the food stalls at the local farmer’s market might be cost-effective and culturally authentic, 但它们也可能引起旅行者腹泻.

If you’re living in a homestay, your host family will typically provide at least one meal per day. This is a wonderful way to sample some home cooking typical of your host country. Sometimes it can also present awkward dilemmas that require you to balance sensitivity against dietary requirements. It’s important to be clear up front with your host family about any special dietary limitations you may have. That way, if you’re a vegetarian, your host family will know not to put chicken feet in your soup.

Your program staff will usually provide the host families with guidelines for food preparation, since foods that seem ordinary to them might present gastronomical challenges for someone newly arrived in the country.


在许多社会中, 特别是在西欧, 在中国交朋友不像在美国那么容易. 例如, the concept of a "friend" is quite distinct from the concept of an "acquaintance." It takes months to make a "friend," but once a friendship is formed, it will last a lifetime.

如果你和家人住在一起, your relationship will typically start off as one between boarder and landlord/landlady. It will be up to both of you to create something more than the initial, formal relationship. It may take time to adjust to the customs and habits of the family and to develop a warm relationship. Be patient: it does happen, but it takes time and flexibility.


准备好在你逗留期间进行一些调整. After the initial excitement of being in a new place wears off, 你可能会感到孤独, 抑郁, 还是想家. For most, these feelings of homesickness fade as you get used to your new environment. 但如果你继续感到沮丧, 向朋友求助是很重要的, 家庭成员, 或者咨询师寻求帮助. 有关咨询师的信息,请访问 大学心理咨询中心 网站.


文化怎么了?网站是由Dr. Bruce LaBrack, an anthropologist at the University of the Pacific in California. 它是专门为出国旅游的学生设计的. 这是一个彻底的, 信息丰富的, 引人入胜的, and interactive presentation about crossing cultural boundaries.

This is an essential crash course in cross-cultural communication and adjustment. If you find yourself at a low point while you're abroad, refer back to this site. It can help you understand some of the cultural complexities that may be making your life difficult.


我们的 电子邮件页面 gives you helpful information to make sure you can use your email during your trip abroad.


A Virtual Private Network (VPN) is used to access restricted University resources from off campus. 看到它的 VPN的页面 了解更多信息.  


以确保正确的帐单, you must register for study abroad by the end of the online registration period before your term abroad. 至关重要的是你 仔细检查你的注册.


All approved study abroad students must meet the following requirements prior to departure.

  • 完成 离岗前方向 成功.
  • Fulfill all health insurance and travel immunization requirements outlined in the 保健指南.
  • 完成所有学术要求.
  • 保持廉洁的纪律和学术记录. 学生 placed on academic or disciplinary probation after their applications were approved will not be permitted to study abroad. 看到 资格页面 了解更多信息.
  • 登记你的旅行
  • 正式宣布你的专业. 详情可在 在这里.


检查 学生旅游打包指南 由全球参与办公室提供.

Links to helpful guides and other information can be found on our 资源页面


你必须遵循十大赌博正规老平台的规定 行为准则 在国外的时候都要服从十大赌博正规老平台 纪律处分包括从项目中除名并被遣送回家.