

在保健处健康促进处, we know that promoting positive well-being is fundamental to students’ academic success and can create deeper learning experiences and meaningful engagement. I believe we have a responsibility to 培养学生繁荣, 连通性, 正念, 弹性, 毅力, 目的, 归属感, and self-compassion so that our students can become ever better.

While students ultimately have an individual responsibility for their own health, they will be significantly more successful if the environments which they live and learn in are centered around well-being. 而不是自我照顾, I believe we need to emphasize community oriented and compassion centered care. This approach will begin to create a culture where our living environments, 教室, 项目, 服务, 政策, 大家一起努力支持学生的幸福.

我们的健康促进方法是以系统和环境为基础的. Rather than solely focusing on individual level 项目 and interventions, 我们将十大赌博正规老平台不同的系统(策略)如何, 社会规范, 资源分配)和设置(教室), 学生宿舍, 学生空间)要么帮助,要么阻碍学生的发展. 我们打算合作, 对这项工作的理解远远超出我们的能力范围, to engage stakeholders and colleagues across campus to jointly plan, 协调, 分享信息和经验教训, and identify new and innovative ways to embed well-being into university systems and settings.

的 development of this inaugural 健康促进 Strategic Framework represents an intentional shift in how health promotion is practiced at the 十大赌博正规老平台. Our goal is to create a thriving culture of well-being for our campus community, 领导一个协作和整合的计划. 满足不同学生群体的需求, 我们的目标是推进全面的, 包容, and progressive student wellness model which creates the conditions for all students to flourish.



的 work of the 健康促进办事处 centers around four priority action areas.  的ir creation occurred after significant consideration and were intentionally guided by multiple surveys of students; focus groups with students, 教师, and staff; interviews with content experts; and a review of over 30 journal articles, 白皮书, 和报告.

欧垦那根宪章 was also influential in the development of our priority action areas, particularly as it pertains to being an advocate for well-being focused policy changes, 创造支持性的生活和学习环境, supporting students’ personal development through health education programming, and cultivating a campus culture of well-being where students can truly thrive.

获取每个优先行动领域的完整描述, 以及我们的关键绩效指标, 请参阅下面的战略框架.


学生的幸福不是孤立存在的. 的re is an undeniable link between campus environments and the students who live in them. 学生睡觉的地方, 吃, 学习, 所有的联系都影响着他们的能力. 因此, we must consider how we can create campus environments that support students, rather than ones which create barriers to and hinder their well-being. 我们将重点讨论六个主要环境, assessing ways in which we have the capacity to infuse well-being into them via our 项目, 服务, 或者其他干预措施.


We aim to take a whole student approach when addressing student mental health, 确定培养学生成长的方法, 而不是仅仅关注抑郁症的消失, 焦虑, 或压力. We will utilize the evidence-based practice of social-emotional learning as a foundation to create supportive programming for students. 以此为基础, our initiatives to cultivate flourishing will also teach students how to achieve psychological flexibility, 将正念, 验收, 平静, 感激之情, 重视参与.


成功倡导卫生公平, we must first identify important health disparities within our student population. Starting with a robust data set and then disaggregating the data will allow us to better understand the needs of students with marginalized identities. 的n we will be able to explore ways to change and implement 政策, 项目, 服务, and practices to reduce inequities in the opportunities and resources needed to achieve optimal well-being.


Health education and disease prevention programming has been the primary focus of the 健康促进办事处 for decades, and it will continue to be an integral part of our work moving forward. We aim to develop and create opportunities to build competence and personal capacity so students can reach their full potential. 的 foundation of our work is centered around a community development approach, recognizing the robust strengths and competencies of our students. We must look to our students to identify and define their struggles and understand that we as professionals are resources rather than problem solvers, as each student is ultimately responsible for their own health and well-being.

的 strategic framework is our vision for the work of the 健康促进办事处 throughout the next four academic years. It outlines the various programmatic components for each priority action area, 提供结果度量和关键绩效指标, and discusses our plan for collective action with our campus partners. 的re are two versions available for download, a PDF as well as a fully accessible Word document. 有关我们战略框架的概述,请参阅我们的 HPO策略概述.
